Welcome to
Robotics Club NIT Delhi
Innovate New Wings!

About us

Robotics Club

The Robotics Club is a community of students who derive pleasure in creating robots that may even be capable of working without human intervention. Each member of this family is provided insight into mechanical engineering, basic electronics and informatory aids besides the indispensable guidance of experienced members. The club supports and fosters interest in various aspects related to robotics in particular, mechanical design through workshops and projects. Robo-geeks are provided with a workspace, tools and other amenities to let their imagination loose.

Our Projects

Faculty Coordinators

Dr. Chandra Prakash

Email: cprakash@nitdelhi.ac.in

Student Coordinators

General Seceratory

Vishal Singh

Branch : CSE
Year : 4 th

Deputy General Seceratory

Ayush Yadav

Branch : CSE
Year : 3 rd

Kshitij Singh

Branch : CSE
Year : 2 nd

All Coordinators

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